NSW’s Inquiry Into Circuses and Dolphin Captivity – Let’s Make History
** The inquiry has now closed. Thank you to everyone who took part! **
New South Wales has established an inquiry into the use of exotic animals in circuses and the exhibition of dolphins. This could be the first step on the path towards getting wild animals out of the shackles of the entertainment industry in the state – but we need your help to make sure that happens.
The NSW government wants your views on the issue and has opened a portal for people to have their say on the matter. It’s vital that we make sure politicians get the message that all compassionate people are against locking up lions, monkeys, dolphins, and other wild and exotic animals and forcing them to perform absurd tricks in the name of entertainment.
Will you take 10 minutes right now to speak up for animals by responding to the inquiry?
Here’s the link to submit your views.
If you’re not sure how to answer every question, we’ve prepared some suggestions here:

PETA has also made a separate submission based on the inquiry’s “Terms of Reference“. If you want to do this also, there are three ways to make a submission:
- Upload it onto the Parliament of New South Wales website here.
- E-mail it to [email protected].
- Mail it to this address: The Director, Portfolio Committee No 4, Parliament House, Macquarie Street, Sydney NSW 2000.
This is our chance to make a lasting difference for animals. The consultation closes on 24 November, so please make sure your voice is heard before then.