Sickening ‘Sperminator’ Machine Used to Inseminate Sheep Infuriates the Internet

Posted on by PETA Australia

Animal advocates – and, generally, anyone with even a sliver of moral fibre – were recently outraged by a video depicting how sheep raised for their wool are artificially inseminated in a machine dubbed the “Sperminator”. (Seriously, that’s its name.)

In the video, sheep can be seen stuffed inside a mechanical rotating trap before they’re dumped onto a rack and bound upside down to it. They’re then rolled off like packages on a moving dolly.

The video was first shared by Kerin Poll – an Australian sheep-breeding business. Yep, someone who works for this company actually felt that sharing a video on social media of sheep being bound and artificially inseminated was good for its image.

Not surprisingly, the video incurred the undisputed wrath of the internet. After receiving tons of criticism, Kerin Poll removed the video and deleted its Facebook page altogether. But that hasn’t stopped numerous animal rights organisations from sharing the provocative footage.

We’ve seen sheep being punched, stamped on, and cut for their wool.

Life for sheep in the wool industry is hell. A PETA exposé of shearing in Australia – the world’s top wool exporter – found that shearers mutilated, beat, kicked, and threw terrified sheep. This ground-breaking footage led to the first-ever convictions anywhere in the world of wool-industry workers for abusing sheep.

Abuse like this occurs throughout the world in the wool industry. PETA and its affiliates have released 11 video exposés from 99 facilities around the world showing that abuse in the industry is systemic.

What You Can Do

The industry’s own marketing can’t hide the fact that sheep are exploited to produce wool. Leave wool out of your wardrobe and instead opt for sheep-friendly materials that are warm, comfortable, and environmentally friendly– it’ll mean the world to millions of sheep. Share this story right now with your friends and family, and ask them never to buy wool.