Animal Rahat: 15 Years of Groundbreaking Work for Animals
Animal Rahat – a life-saving organisation that’s supported by PETA – was founded in 2003 in order to alleviate the misery endured by bullocks, donkeys, and other working animals in India. It has expanded to include community outreach programmes, to provide “community dogs” with medical care and sterilisation, and to conduct emergency rescues of countless animals caught in dire situations.
There are thousands of reasons to celebrate Animal Rahat’s 15th anniversary – one for every animal whose life the group has changed. These are just some of those animals’ stories:
Munna was rescued as a young orphan and is now living in ideal circumstances at the sanctuary.
Lavender and her mother were spared back-breaking labour at a brick kiln, thanks to an innovative Animal Rahat project that replaces donkeys with tractors.
Ruby was rescued from a cruel circus and is now a beloved part of her new family.
After four days of being stuck in what could have become a muddy grave, this buffalo was pulled out with the help of Animal Rahat and a crane.
You’ll meet these and many other animals in Animal Rahat’s new video, “Animal Rahat: 15 Reasons to Give”.
Animal Rahat provided Munna, Lavender, and thousands of other animals in India with a lifeline that helped them escape from situations in which they were exploited, abused, and neglected.
Will you help Animal Rahat accomplish even more for animals by making a special 15th anniversary gift to PETA’s projects benefiting the group today?
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