Animals Used for Food

Animal Agriculture Is Full of Gas

It may be an “inconvenient toot”, but cows and other animals raised for food fart and burp massive quantities of greenhouse gasses – so much so that they’re a …

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Victory Alert: Cruel Goat Races Cancelled!

Following an ongoing campaign by our friends at Animal Liberation New South Wales and action from PETA Australia, the Roma Easter in the Country Festival has postponed further goat …

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Joaquin Phoenix Is Drowning

Award-winning actor and animal lover Joaquin Phoenix struggles underwater, panic in his eyes and on his face, in a new ad that asks people to try to relate to …

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Bobby Calves – a ‘Waste Product’ of the Dairy Industry

VIDEO: Cows on dairy farms are impregnated each year, only to have their male calves taken away from them within a few hours of birth to be killed.

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There’s No Easy Way to Lay This

Millions of chickens are used for egg production annually in Australia, and the vast majority of them (more than 11 million) will spend their entire lives crammed together in …

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