
Credit: Chrissie Hall
David Jones Commits to Shedding Wild-Animal Skins
Australia’s oldest department store, David Jones, will ban the sale of wild-animal skins in its 41 stores and on its popular website.

Commercial Dog Breeder Withdraws Application Days After NSW’s Puppy Mill Ban
From December 2025, new commercial dog breeders in the state will face restrictions.

Pharmaceutical Giant Sanofi Bans Near-Drowning of Animals
After a global campaign by PETA entities, French pharmaceutical giant Sanofi will no longer torment tiny animals in the cruel and worthless forced swim test.

The Legislation to Ban Live-Sheep Exports Has Passed
Last night, the Senate passed legislation that will end the live export of sheep by May 2028.

Find Out What Lynx Has Banned and How It Will Help Animals
The world’s No 1 men’s fragrance brand joins the PETA US global Beauty Without Bunnies list after banning all tests on animals.