Victory! The Just Group Stops Selling Angora!
The Just Group – which own retailers such as Just Jeans, Jay Jays, Dotti and Portmans – are the latest company to confirm that they’re discontinuing sourcing products made with angora wool after receiving thousands of e-mails from PETA supporters and a letter from famed musician Morrissey, and being targeted by an online campaign lead by Annalise Braakensiek.
The retail giant join dozens of other companies – including Fast Future Brands, Jeanswest, General Pants Co, Sportsgirl, Myer and David Jones – that have made the compassionate decision to stop selling angora. The world’s largest clothing retailer, Inditex, not only permanently banned angora products from their clothing lines but also donated 20,000 brand-new angora wool garments from previous seasons to Syrian refugees in Lebanon.
A PETA Asia undercover investigator visited almost a dozen angora rabbit farms in China – the source of 90 per cent of the world’s angora fur – and found that rabbits screamed and writhed in pain as workers ripped the fur out of their skin. (Watch the shocking video here.) Rabbits endure this terrifying ordeal every three months for two to five years before they’re ultimately killed. After they have been plucked bald, the rabbits lie motionless inside their tiny, filthy cages, stunned and in shock. There are no penalties in China for animal abuse on rabbit farms and no standards that regulate the treatment of animals.
What You Can Do
You can help animals by banning angora wool (and other cruelly produced materials) from your closet. You can also download and print PETA’s angora leaflet (black & white version / colour version) to hand out to your friends and family, pass out on a busy street, or post on community message boards.
Posted by Ashley Fruno
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