Dr Katrina Warren Talks Animal Care With PETA

TV veterinarian Dr Katrina Warren took time out of her busy schedule to answer some questions about companion-animal care for PETA. Read on to learn about her views concerning cruelty to animals, adoption and more!
How did you become such a well-known veterinarian?
I have spent most of my career working in the media. I began as a presenter on the children’s TV show Totally Wild nearly 20 years ago and then moved on to work with Dr Harry on Harry’s Practice for many years. I have worked across all media platforms, and I love my work. I really enjoy helping people enrich the bond they share with their pets.
Do you currently share your home with any companion animals?
I have a beautiful adopted golden retriever called Riley. He was rescued from a pound after someone had dumped him in a cage with his four legs tied together. He was in a dreadful condition, and I just don’t understand how anyone could have hurt him. He is a gentle, loving boy who is an amazing family pet. I also have a Maine coon cat called Mr Fox, who is definitely the boss of the house!
What advice would you give to someone who is thinking about adopting a dog, cat or small animal from an animal shelter or rescue group?
Adopting a pet is a wonderful experience, and I always encourage people to consider adoption as an option. There are thousands of beautiful pets in shelters who are patiently waiting for a forever home, and there is a pet out there for everyone. When adopting, I urge people to take their time and choose the right pet for their lifestyle. Don’t adopt an animal just because you feel sorry for it (as hard as this can sometimes be). A pet is a long-term commitment, and the last thing an adopted pet needs is to be surrendered again because it doesn’t suit your lifestyle.
What is the most important thing that we can all do for our companion animals?
Understand that animals are not little people in fur coats. Our pets are definitely an important part of our family, but they need to have their individual requirements that need to be met in order for them to be happy.
Do you think that penalties for cruelty to or neglect of animals need to be harsher?
Definitely. Animals are silent victims, and we need to protect them.
What is the most unusual request or query that you have received?
To participate in a séance to contact the spirit of a dog who had passed away.
Posted by Claire Fryer
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