Father’s Day Vegan Gift Guide
Treat the father figure in your life to something special this Father’s Day. Even if he’s not vegan (yet), it’s the perfect opportunity to lead by example and show him just how stylish animal-friendly presents can be.
1. CPTN Watch: Luxury watches can be animal-friendly and sustainable, too. This timeless piece is crafted from premium, durable vegan materials, which means your dad can cherish it for a lifetime.
2. Triumph & Disaster Silvertip Synthetic Fibre Shaving Brush: This high-quality, synthetic shaving brush makes a thoughtful present, and no badgers were harmed in the making of it. It’s a great way to show Dad that vegan shaving brushes can have that traditional feel and are in many ways superior to their animal hair counterparts.
3. Australian Rules Footballs:Does Dad love Aussie Rules? These footballs are perfect for grass games, and best of all, no animals were skinned so that people can play.
4. Vegan Meat BBQ Pack: For the dad who loves a barbecue, throw together a pack including The Alternative Meat Co burgers and sausages, Beyond Burgers, Tofurky sausages, or Bacon Style Rashers from Vegie Delights – the options are endless!
5. Men’s Crew Socks by Blue Q:Funny socks always make a great gift for Dad! Our favourite is the “Ain’t No Bad Joke Like a Dad Joke” design. No sheep were abused for their wool to make these soft socks, which were woven with luxe animal-free fibres.
6. No Saints Joaquin Sneakers:Named after animal rights activist and actor Joaquin Phoenix and made with Piñatex – leather made from pineapple leaf fibres – these shoes are the perfect combination of style and ethics. They also ship around Australia for free.
7. Vegan Leather Co Wallet: Every dad will benefit from a stylish, strong, and durable wallet. Vegan Leather Co offers a wide variety of styles you can choose from.
8. To make this Father’s Day a truly special event, why not encourage your dad to adopt an animal-friendly lifestyle? Order him a copy of PETA’s free vegan starter kit to help him embark on a cruelty-free journey.
If you’re looking for more ideas for stylish, compassionate gifts for your dad, check out our list of “PETA-Approved Vegan” brands that sell animal-free clothing, accessories, and shoes.
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