Aussie Musicians Call On Government to End ALL Live Export
This list of musicians might read like the line-up of some killer music festival, but these Aussie performers have come together to make some noise for animals.
An open letter signed by a slew of artists – including Tex Perkins, Meg Mac, Tash Sultana, Adalita, Tigerlily, Frenzal Rhomb, Gena Rose Bruce, Great Gable, Hevenshe, Charm of Finches and Tumbleweed – was sent to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese urging his government to ban all live-animal exports.
“This industry has made headlines,” the letter reads, “but unlike live music, no one is cheering – least of all the millions of animals sent overseas each year. We join PETA in urging Labor to end this barbaric trade for all animals.”
Will “DJ Albo” finally turn the tables on live export?
Albanese has taken the stage multiple times as “DJ Albo” during his political career, and he often cites his love for Australian music. He recently even announced the establishment of Music Australia – a national music development agency with $70 million in funding.
It’s our hope that hearing from successful Aussie artists on the issue of live export might strike just the right note with the PM to instigate some urgent action.
That’s right – Australia still doesn’t have a plan for ending live exports.
While the government recently reaffirmed its election promise to ban the export of live sheep, it hasn’t yet committed to a timeline, stating only that a ban won’t be implemented within its first term of government. Without a solid plan, this promise is empty, since a second term in government is never guaranteed.
Millions of cows, sheep, and other animals depart Australia on live-export ships every year. Seasick, suffering from heat stress, and unaccustomed to the pellets they’re given as food, many die before reaching their destination.
And the suffering doesn’t end for those who survive the journey. Because exported animals have virtually no legal protection in the countries they’re sold to, they’re often subjected to abuse and methods of slaughter that are illegal in Australia.
Join the chorus – write to the government and demand a comprehensive ban!
Previous Australian governments have squandered time, taxpayer money, and animals’ lives by condoning a merciless, mercenary industry that Australians have long known must end.
Please join us in calling on Minister for Agriculture Murray Watt to commit to a timeline for banning all live exports within the current term of government.
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