
Plans for Enormous Animal-Breeding Facility for the Experimentation Trade Blocked!

Charles River Laboratories is scrapping plans to build the largest monkey prison in the Western Hemisphere after an 11-month PETA US campaign.

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PETA Virtual Event: Global Compassion Fund Fireside Chat

Come along to this enlightening fireside chat with PETA founder Ingrid Newkirk! Get an inside look at rescue work around the globe – register today.

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PETA Asia Uncovers Cruelty in the Frog-Legs Industry

The hidden horrors of the frog-legs trade, from decapitation to suffocation, have been exposed by PETA. Learn how you can make a difference.

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Petri Dish Organs – One Key to Freeing Animals From Labs Stefanie Zingsheim/University of Sydney

Petri Dish Organs – One Key to Freeing Animals From Labs

Researchers at the University of Sydney have grown replica human lungs.

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Aussie Musicians Call On Government to End ALL Live Export

It might read like the line-up of some killer music festival, but these Aussie performers have come together to make some noise for animals.

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