Australia’s Cosmetics Testing Laws are in Force… But What Do They Really Mean For Animals?

Posted on by PETA Australia

July 1 2020: the day that the Industrial Chemicals Bill – legislation touted as ending cosmetics tests on animals in Australia – came into effect. But what does any of this really mean for animals?

A rabbit in a lab.

Disappointingly the Australian Government has missed a golden opportunity to say no to all cosmetics tests on animals.

For multi-use substances used in cosmetics as well as other products such as household cleaners, paints and air freshener, companies may still submit new animal test data under certain circumstances.

Not only do the gaping loopholes in the legislation fail to address the will of the majority of Australians who oppose cosmetics tests on animals, but it means that rats can be force-fed shampoo ingredients for weeks or months, causing sickness, convulsions, weight loss and death and pregnant rabbits may be dosed with face cream ingredients to see whether their newborns will be deformed.

The legislation will also allow for products sold in China – where tests on animals are mandated by law for imported and special-use cosmetics – to be sold in Australia so long as companies also demonstrate equivalent non-animal test data where appropriate.

While steps have been taken by the Government to limit tests on animals more must be done to end them in their entirety.

What Can You Do

PETA and our international affiliates are helping to change the cosmetics industry where it needs the most improvement: in China, where tests on animals are mandated by law for imported products. Please support this life-saving work.

And when shopping for cosmetics, use PETA US’ searchable, online, global “Beauty Without Bunnies” database of companies that refuse to allow tests on animals anywhere in the world for any reason.