Pregnant Tigerlily Says ‘Not Your Mum, Not Your Milk’
A pregnant Dara Lawson – known by her stage name Tigerlily – stars in a new PETA campaign, calling on her fans and followers to consider the cruelty behind each glass of cows’ milk or slice of cheese.
Did you know that just like human mothers, cows carry their babies for approximately nine months? They don’t produce milk because they’re cows. They make milk because they’re mothers.
But giving birth is no happy occasion for them. At less than a day old, calves on dairy farms are torn away from their mothers to be shot in the head, bludgoned to death, or prepared for transport to an abattoir.
Some female calves are selected to replace their worn-out mothers in the milking line. Once grown, they, too, will be condemned to a cycle of forced pregnancies and losing their babies – all for a glass of milk, a scoop of ice cream, or a slice of cheese.
“As a soon-to-be mum myself, I can only imagine the anguish that these mothers feel,” says Tigerlily.
Millions of mothers suffer at the hands of the dairy industry, but it doesn’t have to be this way.
Supermarket shelves in Australia are full of creamy milks, yoghurts, cheeses, chocolates and ice creams that are made with plants.
Just as human breast milk is for human babies, cows’ milk is for baby cows.
Join Tigerlily in ditching dairy. Click on the link below to get started on your vegan journey now.
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