Action Centre

Greyhound-Racing Cruelty Continues – Ban It Now Jo-Anne McArthur We Animals

Greyhound-Racing Cruelty Continues – Ban It Now

Thousands of dogs are being bred and killed, all for the sake of a bet. It’s time to take a stand.

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Exposed: Australian Wool Industry Continues to Abuse Sheep

A disturbing PETA video exposé of the Australian wool industry, the world’s top wool exporter – following a ground-breaking exposé in 2014 that led to the first-ever convictions of …

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New South Wales and Victoria: Ask Your MP to Help Kangaroos

Join us in urging the New South Wales and Victoria governments to stop issuing permits to kill wildlife.

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Brisbane City Council: Animals Are NOT Christmas Decorations! Animal Liberation Queensland

Brisbane City Council: Animals Are NOT Christmas Decorations!

Send a message to your councillor and let them know that hiring live animals as decorations isn’t a good use of ratepayers’ money.

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Leather: Hell for Animals and Children in Bangladesh

Leona Lewis narrates a shocking PETA video exposé of Bangladesh’s billion-dollar leather industry, which reveals who really pays the highest price for “affordable” leather.

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Ask Free People to Drop Mohair

Please ask Free People to drop mohair immediately in favor of animal-friendly materials that are free of cruelty.

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Urge Macau Officials to Save Australian Greyhounds!

Macau’s Canidrome is set to close! Now, homes must be found for the hundreds of dogs – most of whom were imported from Australia – who have survived this …

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