Animals Used for Food

‘The Writing Is on the Wall’: Bird Flu Warning From PETA

More than 1.8 million Australian birds have already been killed in an attempt to contain the circulating H7 strains.

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The Legislation to Ban Live-Sheep Exports Has Passed

Last night, the Senate passed legislation that will end the live export of sheep by May 2028.

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Victoria’s Pig Welfare Inquiry Backs Lab-Grown Meat and CCTV in Slaughterhouses Photo: Jo-Anne McArthur | Animal Liberation Victoria | We Animals Media

Victoria’s Pig Welfare Inquiry Backs Lab-Grown Meat and CCTV in Slaughterhouses

The Victorian parliamentary inquiry into pig welfare has now delivered its recommendations.

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Pluck Chicken From Plates to Protect Phillip Island Penguins

As the local community unites on a plan to protect Phillip Island’s penguin population from the avian flu outbreak, why are chicken flesh and eggs not banned from council …

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The Avian Flu Outbreak Should Be Your Wake-Up Call

The only way to ensure that you aren’t eating infected flesh or secretions is not to eat them at all.

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