Animals Used for Food

Civets Suffer for Vile Coffee

An investigation partially funded by PETA Australia has exposed the appalling treatment of civets who are used in the production of kopi luwak coffee, which is made from the …

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Australian Defence Force Cutting Open Live Animals

PETA has confirmed that the Australian Defence Force (ADF) is still subjecting live animals to “live tissue trauma training” exercises, despite being fully informed of viable non-animal methods that …

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SHOCKING PHOTOS: Appalling Conditions on Live Export Ships

Dr Lynn Simpson, who sailed on 57 live export journeys, submitted a damning report to the ASEL review about the conditions aboard ships.

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National Livestock Standards Should Protect Animals, Not Farmers

PETA recently submitted comments regarding the proposed Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines – which currently fall far short of offering any meaningful protections for sheep and cattle. These …

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The Environmental Cost of Live Export

If the suffering of millions of animals on live-export ships every year isn’t a good enough reason for you to support a ban on live export, a new case …

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