Animals Used for Food

Ask Your MP to Stop Ships of Death CIWF

Ask Your MP to Stop Ships of Death

With the number of exposés on the tragedies in the live-export industry in recent years, it is surely time for Members of Parliament to start listening to the public …

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Honour animals during Eid al-Adha

By Syed Rizvi As a Muslim who grew up in the Indo-Pak subcontinent, I am appalled that any devout Muslim would consume the flesh of animals who have been …

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Cruelty in the Curriculum

Schools throughout Australia are giving children a lesson in cruelty to animals by using live chicks as teaching tools. Taking advantage of cash-strapped school districts and teachers who are …

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Casey Affleck Speaks Up for Cows

Long-time animal lover and vegan Casey Affleck has decided to speak out against the abuse of cows in the dairy industry in a distressing new video. This video shows …

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Are ‘Superbugs’ Lurking in Your Supper?

People who eat meat aren’t only hurting animals and the environment, they might also be putting some nasty bugs and bacteria into their own bodies. A recently released report …

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