Action Centre

Last Chance to Stop the Moama Puppy Farm!

But we have one last chance to stop this development at the State Government level.

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Young Elephant Shot Repeatedly in the Head Endures Agonising Death for a ‘Trophy’ – Take Action Now!

A PETA video shows an American trophy hunter incapable of making a clean kill as he repeatedly shoots a young elephant just outside Kruger National Park.

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Act Now: These Universities Still Use the Forced Swim Test

Allowing experimenters to drop mice and rats into cylinders of water just to watch how long they struggle is NOT good science.

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Urban Outfitters Brands Must Change!

Alpaca, wool, cashmere, mohair, leather, and down—all are produced with extreme violence and fear. Join the campaign to rid Urban Outfitters of these cruel materials!

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Urge the Australian Government to Mandate an End to All Experiments on Animals

Experiments on animals are cruel – and they don’t help humans.

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Take Action to End the Kangaroo Slaughter

Despite enduring droughts, fires, and now floods, kangaroos are still being hunted in Australia. It’s time to put an end to this for good.

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Shocking Investigation: Gruelling Journeys Endured by Animals in the Global Leather Trade

Investigation exposes the extreme cruelty that live animals endure as they’re shipped around the world to be killed for leather.

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Cruelty in a Cup: Bali’s Kopi Luwak Industry Exposed

Civet cats have already been linked to one disease outbreak: the deadly SARS virus. And the industry has changed nothing.

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Exposed: What Happens to Birds Whose Feathers Are Used in Canada Goose Down-Filled Jackets

See for yourself what really happens to birds used to make Canada Goose down-filled jackets.

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