Action Centre

Dogs Clubbed to Death and Monkey Meat: India’s Disease-Prone Live-Animal Markets

PETA India gathered video footage showing live-animal markets and the wildlife meat trade operating despite their risk of spreading infectious diseases.

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Demand an End to Cruel Live Export

Halting live-sheep exports for three months of the year is not enough.

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Urge the Queen to Stop Supporting Pigeon Racing and Offer Birds Sanctuary Instead

The Queen’s pigeons are sent to their deaths in an industry that breeds, imprisons, and kills thousands of birds each year.

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Inside South Korea’s Largest Horse Slaughterhouse

More than 3,000 Australian racehorses and their offspring have been killed for meat in South Korea.

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Breaking Investigation: Queen’s Pigeons Perish in South African Million Dollar ‘Slaughter Race’

PETA US has uncovered mass suffering and death at the South African Million Dollar Pigeon Race, known as the “Olympics of pigeon racing”.

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Badgers Held in Tiny Cages, Beaten, and Killed for Their Hair – Take Action Now!

Companies are still profiting from badgers who are beaten and killed for their hair to make paint, makeup, and shaving brushes. Take action now!

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TAKE ACTION: The Heartbreaking Abuse Behind Leather Car Interiors

Heartbreaking footage from Brazilian ranches shows that calves are dragged from their mothers, are given electric shocks and writhe in pain as workers stamp their faces with hot brands.

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Cashmere Industry Exposed: Terrified Goats Scream in Pain

PETA Asia’s new investigation into the cashmere industry in China and Mongolia reveals extreme cruelty to and violent killing of cashmere goats.

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