Recent News

PETA Supporters on Top of the World!

Animal lover and PETA Australia supporter Tracy Samassa took the anti-fur message to new heights when she climbed to the base camp of Mount Everest recently and secured a …

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There’s No Easy Way to Lay This

Millions of chickens are used for egg production annually in Australia, and the vast majority of them (more than 11 million) will spend their entire lives crammed together in …

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Monkey Business at Monash University Rommel Manuel

Monkey Business at Monash University

Universities go to great lengths to woo prospective students, rightfully showing off the best that their facilities have to offer. But you can bet that there’s one thing that …

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Consciousness and Compassion

The publication of The Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness in July of 2012 seemed to slip by with barely a whisper in most media circles. This groundbreaking declaration states that, …

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Update: VICTORY! Mackenzie’s Home Timber and Hardware Drops Cruel Glue Traps!

Following a campaign by PETA Australia, which included letters and calls from activists, Mackenzie’s Home Timber and Hardware has followed the lead of its parent company, Danks, and stopped …

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Ask Your MP to Stop Ships of Death CIWF

Ask Your MP to Stop Ships of Death

With the number of exposés on the tragedies in the live-export industry in recent years, it is surely time for Members of Parliament to start listening to the public …

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New Zealand to Test Recreational Drugs on Animals?

The New Zealand government is considering whether to allow the testing of recreational psychoactive drugs on animals. These are non-medicinal, recreational drugs that are of no benefit to human …

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Armani: Fur Is Dead Eva Rinaldi

Armani: Fur Is Dead

That was the message that activists from PETA Australia sent to designer Giorgio Armani earlier this year when they posed as naked corpses in coffins outside one of the …

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Failed Racehorses Are ‘Wastage’

The recent report on the horse-racing industry on ABC’s Four Corners brought the plight of thousands of horses used for racing into the public eye. The disturbing video footage …

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Xavier Rudd Shows His Vegetarian Spirit

Iconic singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and animal defender Xavier Rudd has teamed up with PETA for a new ad to show his veggie pride and encourage his fans to live and …

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