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Speak Up for Animals Used for Food

Animals used for food are deprived of everything that is natural and important to them as they are crammed by the thousands into filthy sheds, confined to tiny cages …

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Cruelty in Slaughterhouses and on Factory Farms – Just Part of the Job P. Mark

Cruelty in Slaughterhouses and on Factory Farms – Just Part of the Job

The recent expose of animal abuse at yet another Australian facility has authorities once again scrambling to save the industry’s bacon – literally. Authorities raided Wally’s Piggery at Murrumbateman, …

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Running of the Bulls Is for Bullies ©Lisa Markkula

Running of the Bulls Is for Bullies

In Australia, many people simply aren’t aware of the cruelty involved in the “Running of the Bulls” in Pamplona. Unfortunately this lack of information leads some to attend the …

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The Olympics Are No Game for Horses

Australia may have been swept up by the excitement of the 2012 Olympics and cheering on our Aussie athletes―but we should all spare a thought for the competitors who …

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Animals Were Harmed in the Making of This Movie

With technology advancing at an astounding pace, it can be hard to tell these days whether video footage of animals in movies, television shows and adverts is real or …

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Can Children Save The World?

Arktel: The Planet Only Children Could Save by Menkit Prince is a modern parable for children who are wondering what the future holds for them. Two children from the …

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Campbell Newman Supports Rodeos

Queensland Premier Campbell Newman has spoken out against animal welfare groups that are campaigning to stop cruel rodeos. In a recent media statement, he said, “For as long as …

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VICTORY! M Webster Holdings Agrees to Give Fur the Cold Shoulder!

Following an ongoing campaign by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) Australia, which included letters from hundreds of activists and several leafleting events, M Webster Holdings Pty …

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VICTORY! UNIQLO Pledges to Phase Out Buying Wool From Mulesed Sheep!

After eight-months of international campaigns by PETA Asia, PETA Australia, and our affiliates, UNIQLO ― part of Fast Retailing, the fifth-largest retailer in the world ― has agreed to …

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Book Review: ‘The Animal Code’

With his recent book The Animal Code: Giving Animals Respect and Rights, Danny Crossman joins the growing number of authors who are speaking up for animals. He does so …

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